Monday, April 25, 2011


Hello folks! How do ya doin? Me? Oh, I'm super fine. Thank's for asking. (Well, actually no one asked me so.........awkward.) So, have you ever been told that inspiration are everywhere? Yeah, they r everywhere isn't? This afternoon, I found my Daddy's old Ricoh Camera and I was like.... *insert amazed face here*

Because that inspiration just popped into my mind. Hellyeah, the word


came into my mind and flooded my brain with the words: UP DO. TEDDY BEAR. CAMERA. CARDIGAN. BROWN. BEIGE. OLD TIMES. BIG GLASSES. Hellyeah, stuffs like dat. So I quickly grabbed my camera (well, my notebook for exact) and took some edgy wannabe web cam shot. And while I took some shot, my brother stared at me with the "What the hell r my sister doin'" look.

So, here are the result! Caution: don't be shock, faint, or die. Because I'm super amazing baby. HAHAHAHA LMAO. Kay kidding. I mean, don't be shock, faint, or die because I'm not that perfect-girl-with-perfect-face-and-body type. Enjoy!

The camera that inspired me ;)

Yeah, that's it folks. Actually I have LOOOOTTTSSSA other pics, but I'm too lazy to edit and upload it;p

All picture taken and edited by Me!
Webcam: Seenly
Photo editor: Photoscape&Photoshop

Friday, April 22, 2011


Readers! I just made a few customization for this blog. The header, the title, and the blog description. Kay, I just want to share it why I use "Glitter" as the main theme.

Well, actually there's no specific reason but I love glitter. I love sparkle. I always believe that this world is covered by an unseen glitter blanket. Yeah, life is sparkling, glowing, glittering! And I do believe, there's a small sparks in me that will explode into a massive sparks someday :-)

One more thing, NO PLAGIARISM PLEASE. Ideas are really hard to find and don't you steal it and claim my ideas as your ideas. Ideas are precios, folks. Nite! xo

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Heyyah readers! What's up, guys? Anything happen recently? For me, yeah there's lots of things happened lately. A happy moments, not-so-happy moments, and bad moments. Well, anything happened for a reason right? A bad moments happened so we can learn from it. A good moments happen as a prize because we've learned something from our past bad moments.

HAHAHAHA okeoke kenapa gue jadi nge-quotes gini. Jujur aja, gue bukan orang bijaksana yang jago memotivasi orang lain. Hmhm dan sekarang si childish yang satu ini mau cerita tentang SUPER FANTASTIC trip ke Bandung kemaren. Ready? Here we go!

Hari Selasa tanggal 19 April kemaren, gue, angkatan gue, dan para adik-adik kelas 7 karyawisata ke Bandung. Tepatnya, ke Saung Angklung Mang Udjo&& ke Boscha. Karena takut macet, guru-guru nyuruh kita dateng jam 05.30.


Seriously, gue sebagai sleeping beauty-nya angkatan gue (errrrr....) merasa sangat amat tidak sanggup kalo disuruh dateng jam segitu. Dan bener aja, gue dateng jam 06.50-an gitu HAHAHAHA. Nyaris ditinggal.

Mana pagi-pagi dingin banget lagi..... untung gue pake jaket OSIS. Kalo nggak bisa beku gue #dengarkancurhatku.

Selama on the way ke Bandung, sleeping beauty ini berusaha tidur lagi bersama partner kebo-nya. Hellyeah, siapa lagi kalo bukan Adhia Rana Kayungyun! But at the end, kita berdua nggak berhasil tidur gara-gara digangguin terus sama anak-anak.

Oiya, FYI gue di bus duduk bareng Mala sama Adey. Gue duduk di kursi deket jendela. Di kursi belakang gue ada Isan sama Dino. Yup, informasi penting banget kan ini?

Setelah kurang lebih 4jam-an kita otw Bandung, finally we're arrived at Bandung! The city of love, city of osm-ness, city of factory outlet, city of batagor. Begitu ngeliat gapura "Selamat Datang di Kota Bandung" kayaknya gue seneeeennnneng banget. Berasa ngelihat gapura "Welcome to Seoul" Mungkin karena efek kebelet pipis yang udah gue tahan-tahan dari tadi kali ya.

First destination: SAUNG ANGKLUNG MANG UDJO.

Okay, first of all, this osm place is HIGHLY recommended to visit! Keren banget tempatnya. Nuansanya alami gitu. Disana kita bisa ngeliat pertunjukan kompilasi dari gamelan, tarian, wayang, and of course, angklung.

Dan satu lagi yang gue suka dari tempat ini adalah toko souvenir-nya! Barang-barangnya etnik, unik, asyik, menggelitik gimana gitu. Oiya, kalo kita berkunjung kesini. kita akan dikasih kalung dengan bandul angklung plus welcome drink. Gue dapet welcome drink Fruit Tea terus gue minta bandrek lagi HEHE. Andddddd, bandrek-nya enak parah. Serius.

Sinopsis Pertunjukan Saung Angklung Mang Udjo :-)

The A-lay style photo-shoot before the show
Left to Right:
Aisya, Me, Mala, Adey.

Pertunjukan yang ditampilin disini nggak kalah kerennya sama toko souvenirnya. Keren banget pokoknya. Setelah gue nonton pertunjukan angklung disini, gue jadi semakin bangga sama budaya Indonesia. Budaya kita nggak kalah tuh sama budaya luar. Nggak kalah keren. Lebih keren budaya kita malah /m/

The extra-ordinary show. Break a leg, guys!

After show, kita, para penontonnya dibolehin ikutan turun ke panggung dan have fun bareng sama cast dari pertunjukan. Dannn, sangat bisa ditebak gue dan pasukan hyperaktif Lazuardi langsung turun ke panggung dan have fun bareng!

Merchandise from Saung Angklung Mang Udjo.
Not Including the stripe-high-cup

ZOOM OUT! The super unique pen.
Adore it.


AYYYEEE FOLKS. Abis balik dari Saung Mang Udjo, kita langsung otw ke Bosscha. Btw, sebelum kita caw ke Bosscha, seperti biasa mamang mamang yang suka jualan di bus masuk ke bus kita. Gue kira mereka cuma jualan gelang-gelang gitu aja. Nggak taunya ada mamang yang tiba-tiba nyamperin gue.


Jedeng! Ada apakah dengan si mamang ini? Dia jualan album SuJu SHINee? Apa dia jualan SuJu beneran lagi? Gataunyaaaaa, dia nawarin majalah (-__-) Well, akhirnya gue beli juga sih majalah AsianHits yang SHINee. Eventough itu majalah bulan Oktober taun lalu tapi nggakapaapa sih. Ada posternya :b



Thenn, kita caw ke Bosscha dan makan siang di jalan. But honestly, I can't even enjoyed my lunch. Gara-gara mual parah plus pusing. Akhirnya setengah dari jatah makan siang gue pun gue kasih ke Fadhil Ingus-_- Oyea, FYI kita semua manggil dia Fadhil Ingus karena emang itu ciri khas dia. Ingus.

Karena pusing parah, di jalan gue nyoba buat tidur. Dan waktu gue udah mulai pules tidur....


Dibangunin sama Adey. Hiks. Nyesek banget. Mana diluar gerimis lagi. How perfect!

Terpaksa banget gue turun dengan mata yang setengah tidur. Berasa zombie karena saat itu gue totally sleep walking. But then, my eyes widely opened because of..... tanjakan menuju Bosscha. Kay, lemme describe how that "tanjakan" looks.

Panjang. Curam. Becek. Jauh. Panjang. Jauh. Panjang. PANJAAAANG.

YA! Tanjakkannya ternyata PANJANG banget. Dan ini nggak lebay karena terbukti, baru setengah jalan aja gue dan kawan-kawan udah ngos-ngosan. Akhirnya, gue dan Adey memilih jalan tengah. Naik ojek. Hellyea baby, ojek rules.

Sampe di Bosscha, gue udah berasa zombie banget. Sepanjang si tour guide ngejelasin, gue udah setengah tidur. Waktu rombongan masuk ke gedung yang ada teleskopnya gue nggak gitu peduli. Tapi pas liat teleskopnya. Omfg. Gue langsung bangun gara-gara inget film Petualangan Sherina.

Dan selain itu, tolong ya. Teleskopnya gede banget. Nggak kebayang kalo tiba-tiba teleskopnya jatoh atau gimana. Selain itu, ternyata lantai-nya bisa naik turun!!! Oke gue norak. Karena gue emang cuma pernah ngeliat Bosscha dari film Petualangan Sherina.

Teleskop Sherina.


Oiyaoiya, abis ngeliatin teleskop, gue dan Keluarga Unggas (Adey, Mala, Ladia) sok-sokan bikin video klip di Taman Bosscha yang gede banget itu. Jadi ceritanya, kita berempat ini punya band. Yaaa, Girlband semacam SNSD, F(x), Sistar, gitulah. Namanya adalah...


Yap, dan kita semua punya nama panggung. Gue Vanilla, Adey Orange, Mala Mint, Ladia Strawberry. Single pertama kita judulnya "CINTA DAUR ULANG".

Jangan daur ulang cintakuu~ Jangan jangan kau daur ulang cintaku~

Heckyea peeps, call me an idiot but I don't care. Because I am an Idiot. And this is called enjoying life.

Thennn, here it comes the saddest part. PULANG.

Gue sebenernya nggak rela kalo harus pulang. Karena Bandung udaranya enak parah. Selain itu kalo pulang, berarti siap sekolah lagi. BIG NOOOOO.

But, thank's to my insane folks, gue jadi merasa nggak rugi kalo harus pulang. Karena mereka ngebuat suasana jadi fun banget. I still can smell the fun atmosphere in the air sometimes. Thanku folks. Love ya! ;-)

Rushin' around at the Bus.

Sleeping Ugly: Fadhil.

Another Fadhil, Fadhil Ingus.
Cie galau kiwkiw~

FYI, itu karton orange dibelakang tulisannya Persija, The Jack, yeah sumthin lyk dat.
Jadi, sepanjang otw Bandung-Jakarta, mereka nempelin kartonnya ke jendela sambil teriak

Left to right: Ladia, Me, Mala, Adey.
Strawberry, Vanilla, Mint, Orange.

xo :-)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thanks God It's FUH-RIDAY

Heckyeah fellas, it's FRIDAY NOW. Friday night! Finally, I got my freedom after a full-busy-school week. I got lack of sleep these days. So bad. But nowww, I'm feelin' so damn happy because it's FRIDAYYY! Which is means, tomorrow is weekend. Gosh, how I love holidays

Well, my class consist of 17 students, 7 girls and 10 boys. So lil' huh? Yeah I know. But don't you even dare to think my class is sort of silent class. My class is you know.... like a zoo. The boys jump everywhere. They play soccer at class. They even use our whiteboard as the wicket. (or hurdle? Yea whatever it is) Then we shouted every time. The girls gossiping and always laugh like an idiot while gossiping. And when the teacher walks in to the class, one of us will shouted "WARNING!!! THE TEACHER IS COMIN'!!!!"

Crazy class. Heckyeah, super crazy class. And I love all of them, really. So this Friday, Mela had her laptop with her and we took some crazy photos. Well we're not as pretty as those models (because we're definitely prettier than them lol), but somehow we're havin' sooooo much fun takin' those silly pics.





Je t'aime, saranghae, ti amo, love you all !

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Annyeonghaseyo my super loyal blog readers! *errr, do I have that "loyal readers?"* Bytheway, Annyeonghaseyo means "hello" in Korean language. This post is related to something starts with S and ends with E. Shine? SHINee! A boyband from Korea

Before that, gue mau curhat dikit nih. FINALLY. After long time no writing, gue akhirnya nulis juga! Selama kira kira sebulan ini, semua ide gue MENG-HI-LANG.

YA! Menghilang entah kemana. Mungkin ditelen sama monster. Mau kenalan sama monsternya? Yuk. Monsternya namanya.........


Well I'm not losing 100% of my ideas, sebenernya ada beberapa yang sempet "pop". Popping out di kepala gitu, tapi baru hari ini tersalurkan. It seems tonight I'm TOTALLY FREE! O YEAH ROCK ON BABY~ *ngescream*

Di post selanjutnya mungkin gue akan menyalurkan kekesalan gue akan tuan pekerjaan rumah tercinta. Yeah, pelajar manasih di dunia ini yang akan bahagia teriak-teriak sambil sujud sukur kalo dikasih peer sama gurunya? Begitu juga dengan saya. Akhir-akhir ini tugas banyak banget, ditambah ulangan. event-event sekolah........... hah beratnya jadi pelajar. Untung dikantin ada sushi.

Since being a student is a MAJOR HARD WORK, gue punya cara tersendiri untuk menenangkan diri. Kalo orang lain biasanya creambath, olahraga, atau tidur. Gue cukup dengan melihat ini:

My oppa's from SHINee!!!
Left to right:
Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, Key.

A lil bit information, Oppa itu artinya laki-laki yang lebih tua, another Korean words. Tapi Oppa cuma boleh digunain kalo si pemanggil itu cewek. Kalo sesama cowok, manggilnya hyung.

Sebenernya pertama kali suka Korea koreaan gini (bahasa resminya sih K-Pop-,-") itu gara-gara boyband magis dengan magnae-nya yang superimutlalalala. Yeah, Super Junior. Tadinya gue mau nulis tentang SuJu.

Tapi apa daya, gue bisa mabok kalo nulis tentang SuJu yang anggotanya 13 plus 2 anggota sub-group. Well, sebenernya sekarang 14 karena Hangeng keluar. BUT SUPER JUNIOR WILL BE IN ELF'S HEART FOREVER! YEAH EVER LASTING FRIENDS! \m/ *gilasendiri*

Next time, gue bakalan nulis tentang Super Junior. Tentang SNSD, Sistar, SM The Ballad, F(x), 2PM dan kawan-kawannya juga. Yeaaaaah.........well kalo inget ;P Well let's get back to the main topic, shall we?


Yeah, ini dia leadernya SHINee. Nama aslinya Lee Jinki. But somehow, it turns into Onew. Dan sampe sekarangpun, gue nggak tau gimana cara nyebut "Onew" yang bener. Ada yang bilang Onew, Onyu, Unew, Unyu(?)-,-


Meet him, the shining diamond (and the shortest member) of SHINee, Kim Jonghyun! Posisinya di SHINee itu main vocal. Suaranyaaaa yaampun........./faints. Selain di SHINee, dia juga gabung di vocal group SM The Ballad.


The most fashionable member of SHINee, Key a.ka Kim Kibum! Yeshhh I admit it, I do love his fashion style. Tapi, waktu di mv Lucifer, Key ganti hairstyle yang omg. I swear, its a total epic
failure. HALF BALD.

LIKE THISSS!!! Mianhae oppa, but it's true. Thank's God he had his normal hair now.


WIHIIII! The tallest member in this group, Choi Minho! Di SHINee part-nya dia itu nge-rap. Dannnn gue cinta bangetbanget sama rambutnya dia di foto ini. Pas lagi jamannya mv Ring Ding Dong. My secret wish; have a brother like him. It wud be really purrrrrfect!


YEAAAHAHAHA! My favorite member, Lee Taemin! Taeminnie, the maknae! Maknae itu artinya yang paling muda. Yup, yang paling muda. And he's young, literally. Dia lahirnya tanggal 18 Juli 1993. Which is means, dia masih 17 tahun sekarang! Muda banget kan? Young and talented. And he's mine. SO BACK OFF PEOPLE!

Well okaaay, I do have to admit. Mukanya cewek bangettt. Yesh, I love cute-looking-boy. Take a look at this following pics:

Taemin in Ring Ding Dong mv. A boy that drinks milk for no reason.

Taeminnie oppa, that's TOO cute.


Speaking of skinny, dia ini emang the skinniest member-nya SHINee. Tinggnya sekitar 175 cm tapi beratnya cuma 53kg. OH.MY.GOD. A total OMG. Mungkin ini salahsatu efek karena dia dibully disekolah(?) Jadi ceritanya, Taemin itukan masih SMA, terus tiap hari dia selalu dibully sama senior-seniornya. Dilemparin penghapus, dikatain, dikeroyok dengan katakata T_T kasihan sekali.

PFFTTTT. I SHOULD SHUT MY FINGER NOW. Kenapa yang tentang Taemin paling panjang sendiri?! :/

Nah okaaayyy. Biar adil, gue akan share juga foto-foto SHINee member yang lain. O iya, waktu itu mereka ikut semacam reality show gitu. Judulnya Hello Baby. Di acara itu mereka harus ngurusin bayi. Nama bayinya Jung Yoogeun. Dan gue SUKA BANGET sama acara ini. It's a must to watch!

A little moments captured from SHINee Hello Baby!

SHINee appa's in the animal costume with Yoogeun Moogeun!

Jonghyunnie oppa is taking the picture.


Kkayy, that's all from me. Gotta go now, because I want to live streaming SUKIRA! Special DJ for today are 2MIN. Minho and Taemin, Soooo I gotta watch it now. Yeah last thing, I don't really care about what people think or say about me. About I'm alay, freak, or weird because of loving this kind of thing. I think they're so much better than Justin Bieber. So? Any Problem?

The only thing that will make me stop loving K-POP is if loving it its a crime, then I will stop it. As long as is not a crime, then I wouldn't change a thing. I will be a SHINee World forever! Go ahead, you can say I'm freak, weird, and stuff. If it so, then my middle finger is yours dude. HAHA KIDDING.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011: New Year, New Wish, New Me.

Yeah man, it's the first day of January. Say hello to 2011! And guess what, tomorrow is my burpppppppday. Well hellyeah, my birthday! But i don't know why, I have a random feelings that says everyone will forget about my birthday. Cause you know, they're too busy with their own stuff since it new year so they have to prepare lotsa stuff. But I hope it's only my feelings. If you're really forget my birthday....... You'll never gonna work properly again, Man. *evilsmile*

And this year, I decided to made a several changes. Well yeah, tryin' to make a several changes.


Kekeke, standart banget kan? Semua orang emang suka banget ngemil, didepan TV, atau sambil online, atau main game. Semua orang juga suka tiduran di kasur seharian (apalagi sambil meluk guling, dengerin musik, terus pake AC, huhu surga dunia T_T) Tapiii, coba liat deh apa yang dihasilkan dari stuffs yang biasa kita sebut sebagai "surga dunia" itu!


Mending kalo sakitnya cuma pegel atau masuk angin. Kalo sakitnya sampe diabetes atau jantung gimana?

Well peeps, menurut gue sudah saatnya kita (gue) menggunakan gaya hidup sehat. For example, bike to school! Tahun ini gue udah niat bakalan naik sepeda ke sekolah. Selain itu, gue juga bakal mengurangi yang namanya ngemil.... HUHUHUHUHUHUHU. I'm more than sure, its gonna be so damn hard since I'm addicted to snack!

Sebenernya gue pengen banget banget banget jadi vegetarian. Soalnya jujur aja, gue nggak tega ngebunuh binatang yang unyu unyu itu buat dimakan T_T. Tapi, karena gue masih dalam masa pertumbuhan sooo yeaaah sorry my dearest cows, fishes, and chickens. Me love ya, someday I wont eat you kok. And fyi, gue udah memulai debut menjadi vegetarian dengan tidak memakan daging domba dan kambing. Why? Well okay, first gue nggak tega makan domba. Second, gue jijik makan kambing._. Serioussssly!

Hm oyeah, that's not mean I wanna be skinny (well, okay 25% of my heart says: you do wanna be skinny!) But, I wanna be healthy! Skinny girls are great, but healthy girl are awesome. And both pretty :)

Btw, this pic is uber true dude.


I'm finding myself daydreaming and thinking about the so-called-hell, FUTURE lately. And finally, I realized, how stupid I am! Wasting so much my precious teenager time for thinking about that stuffs. Teenager time wont last forever, rite? So, why we have to waste it?

Besides, I have LOT of dream. And I haven't decide which one to catch. Fashion? Writing? Psychologist? Ambassador? or a happy life?

Guess what, I've decided my dream. Have a happy life. That's my dream. No matter what will happen in the future, I just want to be happy. As a fashion designer, fashion editor, author, psychologist, or Ambassador. As anything, anything I want to be!

I mean, we're just human. We can't decide our future. But, we can MADE our future. We can work it out from now. So from now on, I'll made my future and stop thinking and dreaming about it. Just do it. Do it with a cool teenagers way. Think like an adult, but act like a teen :)

Cause when you're grow up, you'll miss fooling around like this :)

Tatrararra! My third resolution is dating math and science. Well not literally. I mean, spend a LOT of time studying math and science. Lately, my math&science score is a disaster. And that mean, I'm in so much trouble. Since Math and Science will be on the national exam and next year I'll have my national exam so..... kill me now.

Please, I wanna be smart!!! Peeps said Imma smart kiddo. Yeah, I'm smart in making people miserable and angry, kekeke! But why I can't do math and science problems as easy as I write this post? WHY? WHY? WHYYY?!!!!


Fyi guys, I'm no longer single. Cause Im taken by my lovely math and dearest science.

That's it! Once again, have a great-awesome-unfogettable 2011 guyssss! \=D/