Annyeonghaseyo my super loyal blog readers! *errr, do I have that "loyal readers?"* Bytheway, Annyeonghaseyo means "hello" in Korean language. This post is related to something starts with S and ends with E. Shine? SHINee! A boyband from Korea
Before that, gue mau curhat dikit nih. FINALLY. After long time no writing, gue akhirnya nulis juga! Selama kira kira sebulan ini, semua ide gue MENG-HI-LANG.
YA! Menghilang entah kemana. Mungkin ditelen sama monster. Mau kenalan sama monsternya? Yuk. Monsternya namanya.........
Well I'm not losing 100% of my ideas, sebenernya ada beberapa yang sempet "pop". Popping out di kepala gitu, tapi baru hari ini tersalurkan. It seems tonight I'm TOTALLY FREE! O YEAH ROCK ON BABY~ *ngescream*
Di post selanjutnya mungkin gue akan menyalurkan kekesalan gue akan tuan pekerjaan rumah tercinta. Yeah, pelajar manasih di dunia ini yang akan bahagia teriak-teriak sambil sujud sukur kalo dikasih peer sama gurunya? Begitu juga dengan saya. Akhir-akhir ini tugas banyak banget, ditambah ulangan. event-event sekolah........... hah beratnya jadi pelajar. Untung dikantin ada sushi.
Since being a student is a MAJOR HARD WORK, gue punya cara tersendiri untuk menenangkan diri. Kalo orang lain biasanya creambath, olahraga, atau tidur. Gue cukup dengan melihat ini:

My oppa's from SHINee!!!
Left to right:
Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, Key.
A lil bit information, Oppa itu artinya laki-laki yang lebih tua, another Korean words. Tapi Oppa cuma boleh digunain kalo si pemanggil itu cewek. Kalo sesama cowok, manggilnya hyung.
Sebenernya pertama kali suka Korea koreaan gini (bahasa resminya sih K-Pop-,-") itu gara-gara boyband magis dengan magnae-nya yang superimutlalalala. Yeah, Super Junior. Tadinya gue mau nulis tentang SuJu.
Tapi apa daya, gue bisa mabok kalo nulis tentang SuJu yang anggotanya 13 plus 2 anggota sub-group. Well, sebenernya sekarang 14 karena Hangeng keluar. BUT SUPER JUNIOR WILL BE IN ELF'S HEART FOREVER! YEAH EVER LASTING FRIENDS! \m/ *gilasendiri*
Next time, gue bakalan nulis tentang Super Junior. Tentang SNSD, Sistar, SM The Ballad, F(x), 2PM dan kawan-kawannya juga. Yeaaaaah.........well kalo inget ;P Well let's get back to the main topic, shall we?
Sebenernya pertama kali suka Korea koreaan gini (bahasa resminya sih K-Pop-,-") itu gara-gara boyband magis dengan magnae-nya yang superimutlalalala. Yeah, Super Junior. Tadinya gue mau nulis tentang SuJu.
Tapi apa daya, gue bisa mabok kalo nulis tentang SuJu yang anggotanya 13 plus 2 anggota sub-group. Well, sebenernya sekarang 14 karena Hangeng keluar. BUT SUPER JUNIOR WILL BE IN ELF'S HEART FOREVER! YEAH EVER LASTING FRIENDS! \m/ *gilasendiri*
Next time, gue bakalan nulis tentang Super Junior. Tentang SNSD, Sistar, SM The Ballad, F(x), 2PM dan kawan-kawannya juga. Yeaaaaah.........well kalo inget ;P Well let's get back to the main topic, shall we?

Yeah, ini dia leadernya SHINee. Nama aslinya Lee Jinki. But somehow, it turns into Onew. Dan sampe sekarangpun, gue nggak tau gimana cara nyebut "Onew" yang bener. Ada yang bilang Onew, Onyu, Unew, Unyu(?)-,-
Meet him, the shining diamond (and the shortest member) of SHINee, Kim Jonghyun! Posisinya di SHINee itu main vocal. Suaranyaaaa yaampun........./faints. Selain di SHINee, dia juga gabung di vocal group SM The Ballad.

LIKE THISSS!!! Mianhae oppa, but it's true. Thank's God he had his normal hair now.
WIHIIII! The tallest member in this group, Choi Minho! Di SHINee part-nya dia itu nge-rap. Dannnn gue cinta bangetbanget sama rambutnya dia di foto ini. Pas lagi jamannya mv Ring Ding Dong. My secret wish; have a brother like him. It wud be really purrrrrfect!

YEAAAHAHAHA! My favorite member, Lee Taemin! Taeminnie, the maknae! Maknae itu artinya yang paling muda. Yup, yang paling muda. And he's young, literally. Dia lahirnya tanggal 18 Juli 1993. Which is means, dia masih 17 tahun sekarang! Muda banget kan? Young and talented. And he's mine. SO BACK OFF PEOPLE!
Well okaaay, I do have to admit. Mukanya cewek bangettt. Yesh, I love cute-looking-boy. Take a look at this following pics:
Well okaaay, I do have to admit. Mukanya cewek bangettt. Yesh, I love cute-looking-boy. Take a look at this following pics:

Speaking of skinny, dia ini emang the skinniest member-nya SHINee. Tinggnya sekitar 175 cm tapi beratnya cuma 53kg. OH.MY.GOD. A total OMG. Mungkin ini salahsatu efek karena dia dibully disekolah(?) Jadi ceritanya, Taemin itukan masih SMA, terus tiap hari dia selalu dibully sama senior-seniornya. Dilemparin penghapus, dikatain, dikeroyok dengan katakata T_T kasihan sekali.
PFFTTTT. I SHOULD SHUT MY FINGER NOW. Kenapa yang tentang Taemin paling panjang sendiri?! :/
Nah okaaayyy. Biar adil, gue akan share juga foto-foto SHINee member yang lain. O iya, waktu itu mereka ikut semacam reality show gitu. Judulnya Hello Baby. Di acara itu mereka harus ngurusin bayi. Nama bayinya Jung Yoogeun. Dan gue SUKA BANGET sama acara ini. It's a must to watch!
A little moments captured from SHINee Hello Baby!
PFFTTTT. I SHOULD SHUT MY FINGER NOW. Kenapa yang tentang Taemin paling panjang sendiri?! :/
Nah okaaayyy. Biar adil, gue akan share juga foto-foto SHINee member yang lain. O iya, waktu itu mereka ikut semacam reality show gitu. Judulnya Hello Baby. Di acara itu mereka harus ngurusin bayi. Nama bayinya Jung Yoogeun. Dan gue SUKA BANGET sama acara ini. It's a must to watch!
A little moments captured from SHINee Hello Baby!

SHINee appa's in the animal costume with Yoogeun Moogeun!

Jonghyunnie oppa is taking the picture.

Kkayy, that's all from me. Gotta go now, because I want to live streaming SUKIRA! Special DJ for today are 2MIN. Minho and Taemin, Soooo I gotta watch it now. Yeah last thing, I don't really care about what people think or say about me. About I'm alay, freak, or weird because of loving this kind of thing. I think they're so much better than Justin Bieber. So? Any Problem?
The only thing that will make me stop loving K-POP is if loving it its a crime, then I will stop it. As long as is not a crime, then I wouldn't change a thing. I will be a SHINee World forever! Go ahead, you can say I'm freak, weird, and stuff. If it so, then my middle finger is yours dude. HAHA KIDDING.
The only thing that will make me stop loving K-POP is if loving it its a crime, then I will stop it. As long as is not a crime, then I wouldn't change a thing. I will be a SHINee World forever! Go ahead, you can say I'm freak, weird, and stuff. If it so, then my middle finger is yours dude. HAHA KIDDING.