Have you ever feel like there's no point of running? There's no point of talking because no one will listening. There's no point of dreaming because it will never become a reality.
Well, honestly saying, sometimes I feel that way too. I feel like life is a real-hell for me. You know, that feeling when you want to stop dreaming but you just can because it is that awesome? Having a dream is more than awesome, but make your dream come true is the real meaning of dreaming.
Dreaming is what make us alive. And living our life with dreams and make it happen is the best way to spend your life. We only exist in this world for once, aren't we? No more chance. Make your life precious and memorable. Be a star that everyone wants to catch.
So here's the twenty things I adore the most from life:
1. I've meet thousand of great people in this life. Mommy, Daddy, sister, brother, my whole family, my friends, my teachers.... all of them.
2. EAT! Because of life, I've tasted lots of super yummy foods! You can't it if you're not alive, eh?
3. I've spendin' most of my times reading tons of book and im so grateful that the books have taught me about life most precious lessons.
4. Sometimes, life best lessons are not coming from school, it comes from troubles and how we deal with 'em. <3
5. KOREANS! Life has made me have some kind of crazy obsessions over them, but it leads me to living out my dream!
6. Playing under rains is a must to try before you're leaving this world :p
7. This world have tons of good places to visit and playing in the beach is one of my favorite.
8. Smile on strangers! Even you don't know them but it's nice to spread a little sugar smile :)
9. Love someone that deep because you're really care about them <3
10. Fighting over your dreams and not giving up!
11. Mocking over that math book because you hate it sooooooooooooo much :p
12. Joking around with your teachers and make them know how precious they are to you (:
13. Waking up late in weekend until your Mom yelled at you <3
14. Go to bed super late because you have to do something that important. Working hard to achieve maximum point!
15. Going out with your friends and having fun like there's no tomorrow :{D
16. Laughing so loud in crowds and don't even care that you're lookin' like a fool!
17. An amazing bonding between you and God.
18. When you have no one to share with, pray to God.
19. Hugging Mommy and Daddy and telling how precious they are to you {}
20. Making 20 Things I Adore Most From life before you're feet leaving the ground :)
Live your life people! Spread the love because you're that awesome <3