Friday, October 29, 2010


Night readers. Tonight, I feel um well, apprehensive. I knew this word from a book. The title is The Giver. I read that book for my English Art Class. Apprehensive means gloomy, not sure, a negative feelings, unexplainable feeling. Or in Indonesia, maybe we call it as "galau"

The Giver told me one thing:
Apprehensive means galau.

Yeah, galau. I feel galau right now. But not like other teenagers, I feel apprehensive because of myself. And I just.... don't know how to express my feelings right now.

Underestimate. I think, people always underestimating me. I don't know, wether its true or not. But.... yeah :'(

Walaupun gue kerja keras, usaha mati-matian, usaha sampe all-out, tetep aja satu kata yang gue dapet. Gagal. Dan yang bikin nyesek, terkadang orang yang nggak berusaha sekeras kita malah berhasil. Kegagalan memang keberhasilan yang tertunda. Tapi kalo gagal terus, apa emang ada yang salah?

Dan entah kenapa, gue selalu merasa orang itu underestimate ke gue. Entah kenapa. Mungkin 75% memang ada yang underestimate ke gue. 25% lainnya? Gue sendiri. Gue sendiri yang beranggapan orang selalu underestimate ke gue.

Apprehensive banget gue saat ini. Susah ngejelasin apa yang gue rasain. Gue udah cerita kebeberapa orang. Dan respon yang saya dapat, salah satunya ini:


What I have to do now, is calming down. Think for the next plan, next step. Reach my dream and going to the extra miles. Work harder than someone else.

Im not the best, but I wanna show to the world that I can! Im not a loser. Im not. Im not a loser. Im a winner. Winner for the future.

Bytheway, thankyou for made my day Ladia and Adey! Meloveya guys :*

Cantik bukan? Model Maybelline.


<3 <3 <3


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Temanku, Model Jus Senang.

Night people! I haven't prepare my textbook for tomorrow! Yeah, that's not important to tell ya. Umm, but the important thing is, I wanna tellya about one of my fellas (again). But, it's little bit different from my other fellas because....


Okay, not kinda Yves Saint Laurent model, but he is a HAPPY JUS MODEL. YUP. And one day, I saw his commercial on TV and feels like "OMG, THAT'S HIM! I TEASED HIM TODAY AND NOW HE'S ON TV!!!" Oke itu norak.

Namanya adalah Ossama Ruzicka. Namanya bagus ya? Yea, gue juga mikir gitu. Tapi, anak-anak #GOLDILOCKS2012 biasa manggil dia "Ocha". Yap, nama sebagus itu dengan enaknya kita rubah jadi Ocha.

Pertamanya, Ocha gamau ngaku kalo dia ada di iklan (dan kotak minuman happy jus). Tapi, setelah dipaksa-paksa dan disodorkan barang bukti, akhirnya dia mau ngaku. Pertamanya, kita semua teriak "WHAAAAT?! JADI ITU BENERAN LO?"

Kita semua nggak percaya. Unbelieveable. Seorang Ocha yang biasa kita jailin, yang kita omelin, yang kita judesin gara-gara cerewet minta ampun, ada di iklan di Happy Jus? Eng-ing-eng....
Tapi akhirnya, kita bisa menerima kenyataan. Kawan kita yang satu ini telah menjelma menjadi artis di kotak jus. Betapa bangga :'''')

Selain model, Ocha ini juga PINTERRRR BANGET. Serius, dia pinter banget banget. Dan dia selalu berpikir diluar logika anak kelas 8. Dalam khalayan gue, nanti dia akan kuliah di Korea. Lalu ujung-ujungnya jadi personel Super Junior season 2. Kidding, Cha. Tapi kalo beneran, gue boleh minta tanda tangan sama foto lo sekarang ya.

Selain itu, Ocha juga jago design dan bisa dibilang computer mania banget. Salah satu bukti "kemahirannya" dengan design mendesign adalah ini.

Pilihan resmi Caketos-Cawaketos 2010/2011. FYI Cha, muka gue terlihat mengerikan.

Ocha jaman baheula kala.

Ocha masa kini (I envy his nose-_-) dan Happy Jus tercintanya.

Bukti kecerewetan Ocha. Mention gue di twitter dia semua--" Btw background gue lutu yah :3

Yap, that's all about him! FYI, dia single loh. Tapi kayaknya hatinya sih taken sama si............. HAHAHAHAHA brb kabur. Thank's for everything, Cha! Um, by that, I mean thanks for teachin' me Science and Math :p Ya know, Im not really good at that--" Contact him on his twitter, click here!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Hey'all! It's nice to catch you up again! Sebenernya yah, gue lagi nggak terlalu mood buat nulis. Tapi bagaimana lagi, gue sakit dan terjebak di zona bosen tingkat dewa. Jadi, gue menemukan ide paling bagus sedunia untuk mengusir rasa bosan dan meredakan pusing serta menurunkan demam.

Caranya adalah....

Listening to Korean Pop Songs.

Browse Super Junior's photos.

Put'em in my blog.

Nyaaaaw! It make me feelin' better. Try it, really works! Sebelum gue spamming foto-foto Super Junior, gue mau cerita-cerita dikit dulu.

I don't know how it begin, tapi entah kenapa gue jadi suka banget sama KOREAN POP. Even gue nggak tau seratus persen apa yang mereka nyanyiin (except for 'saranghae', Saranghae means I Love You <3) tapi gue tetep suka sama Korean Pop. Apalagi kalo udah ngeliat music video mereka yang biasanya sambil ngedance gitu. AAAAAAAA, speechless.

I love SHINee, BigBang, 2PM and Girls Generation. Tapi dari semuanya, yang numero uno cuma SUPER JUNIOOOOOR!

Di post sebelumnya, gue pernah cerita dikit tentang dua personel Super Junior, Siwon sama Kyuhyun. Yap, gue emang suka banget sama mereka berdua. Don't worry, Heechul, Leeteuk, Shindong and Sungmin! Still loveya :p

Walaupun begitu, ada satu personel SuJu yang nggak terlalu gue suka. Entah kenapa. Dan itu adalah Eunhyuk-_- HEHEHEHEHE

Okay, enough with the chitty-chat. Now I would like to giveya'all some pics of SUPER JUNIOR!!!!


AAAW Shindong! How......cute.

Kyuhyun with his wig and skinny. Um well X_X

Sungmin+Kyuhyun. OMG...........

Cutie Heechul :p

Hey, Siwon and Leeteuk what are you guys doing? But whatever you do, you guys look funny and cute><

Siwon and Sungmin dress-up as carrot and pumpkin. HAHAHA LOL

Seriously, Kyuhyun (in the middle) looks SOOOO CUTE AND ADORABLE!!! *pinching his cheek*

Kyuhyun, as fireman(?)


Snapshot from No Other Music Video!


Craving for more photos? Click one of em!

Click Me!

Or Me!

Or Me!!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello amigos! Its a cold night right now. I just finished my homework. And I feel a little bit like "RAWRRRRRR" because somebody is not reply my message.... *pointing at you*. Yayaya, just forget it. In the last 2 weeks, actually I feel super depressed. Why? Yeah, because of SCHOOL. The homework driving me insane, the lessons make me crazy, and yeah some stuffs around me makes me completely insane.

Yeah, tapi se-insane-insane-nya gue, masih terhitung normal. Yap, mau nggak mau gue harus survive sama semua keadaan yang bikin gue pengen teriak ini. Seriously, kalo boleh milih, gue mau liburan terus. Santai-santai. Males-malesan. Have fun terus sampe nanti ubanan.

Then I realized, when I will reach my dream if I keep complaining, keep yawning, keep being a childish, immature, annoying girl? Never. Yeah, kalo kaya gini terus, gue nggak akan pernah berubah.

Seandainya...... berubah itu segampang Power Rangers. Mereka cuma tinggal teriak "BERUBAH!" dan mereka akan menjelma dari orang biasa-biasa aja jadi super hero. What about me? Yakali gue teriak berubah terus tiba-tiba bisa jadi power rangers yang pink-_-

Tapi, gue nggak perlu jadi power rangers dulukan demi bisa meraih cita-cita? Ya, cita-cita. Yang kayaknya jauh, cuma kalo kita kerja keras dan optimis, cita-cita itu akan terasa dekat. Sedekat hidung dan bibir kita. Bukan begitu?

So, this is my dream list. Mungkin gue lagi suka bikin list-list gitu mungkinyah. Yayayaya tapi ini semua adalah mimpi-mimpi gue. InsyaAllah banget bisa tercapai. Amin.


My first dream! Jadi penulis atau pengarang. As famous as J.K Rowling. Or Stephenie Meyer. Or Jacqueline Wilson. Or Ahmad Fuady. Or Andrea Hirata. Or Raditya Dika. Gue suka banget sama karya-karya mereka. Tapi gue juga pengen, suatu hari nanti mereka kagum sama karya gue. Mungkin, blog ini adalah satu langkah menuju mimpi gue yang satu ini.

Tapi nggak gampang juga nulis. Kadang harus dapet mood atau inspirasinya dulu. Kadang, lagi dapet mood sama inspirasinya tapi suasana untuk nulis lagi nggak kondusif. Yang paling sering, lagi nulis seru, tiba-tiba diganggu. Ah, itu paling nggak enak. Entah diganggu sama orang lain, sama lampu merah blackberry yang nyala terus, sama new mention di twitter, dan yang paling sering, diganggu ade gue._. Seberat apapun gangguan yang gue terima, kalo lagi nulis sih tetep aja tangan gue akan gerak-gerak diatas keyboard. Kecuali kalo tiba-tiba Justin Bieber lewat, gue bakal stop nulis dan buru-buru ambil kamera.

Dua penulis yang menginspirasi gue adalah Ahmad Fuady dan Raditya Dika. Karya Om Ahmad Fuady itu yang dibahas sebenernya hal yang "berat" tapi dikemas dalam bahasa yang ringan dan membuat pembaca nggak cepet bosen. Selain itu, makna yang ada di tulisan beliau itu dalem dan 'ngena' banget di hati. Setelah baca buku Negeri 5 Menara karangan beliau, gue langsung berpikir untuk masuk pesantren.

Kalo Raditya Dika, kebalikan dari Ahmad Fuady. Karya Bro Radit(?????) itu bahasanya ringan, yang dibahas biasanya juga hal-hal sepele. Tapi dari hal sepele itu, ia bisa mengambil makna yang dalam. Ceritanya juga nggak ngebosenin dan selalu bikin gue jatoh ngeguling dari tempat tidur. Saking gelinya sama cerita Bro Radit. (Aneh ya, Bro Radit--")

Yup, I love their books!


One day, gue pengen banget bisa kuliah di Harvard University. Sounds crazy, tapi gue pengen banget suatu hari nanti bisa kuliah disana. Atau di Yale, Stanford, atau di............... Universitas Indonesia, amin!

My Future University: HARVARD!

Selain pengen kuliah di luar negeri, gue juga pengen ngerasain hidup di luar negeri. Yang ada dibayangan gue adalah, gue bersama teman-teman tinggal di apartemen atau flat. Lalu, kita akan kerja part-time. Mungkin jadi dishwasher atau yang kerenan dikit jadi dogwalker :3 Kidding HIHI


One day, My Mum said, "You have a very bad fashion style,". Mungkin gaya gue nggak kaya kebanyakan orang yang suka pake rok, dengan ruffles dimana-mana, pita, dan segala macem hal unyu lainnya. But not me. Gue lebih suka tanktop+cardigan+shorts+sneakers. Gue lebih suka gaya yang simple. Tapi stunning, dan biasanya gue akan milih baju yang nggak pasaran.

Coco Chanel pernah bilang,

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must be different to another"

Gue menganalogikannya sebagai, kalo lo mau diinget orang lain, lo harus beda. Beda disini dalam artian punya kepribadian. Nggak ikut-ikutan orang lain.

Karena itu, gue pengen banget jadi someone in fashion. Seseorang di dalam dunia fashion. Kalo gue jadi fashion designer, gue akan bikin baju bagi orang-orang yang dianggap cupu. Dianggap aneh. Dianggap gayanya aneh. Dan, bagi orang-orang yang badannya nggak terlalu proporsional.

Kalo gue jadi fashion editor, gue akan bikin majalah yang isinya nggak mengenai barang fashion yang uptodate yang harganya selangit itu. Gue akan bikin majalah yang isinya mix and match baju. Dari era 50-an sampe nanti. Tapi, tetep akan digabung dengan latest fashion style. Jadi intinya, to be stylish, you're not have to in to fashion.

Yes, I would like to create fashion from those fabrics!

Panjang ya? Ya, sebenernya cuma 3 loh. Tapi jadi panjang banget. Mungkin ini mimpi-mimpi gue yang sekarang lagi ontheway untuk diraih.

One thing for sure, never stop dreaming. Even you have a very insane dream. Bismillah, I hope I can reach my dream. Wish me luck :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Battle of the Boys.

Holla! Lately, I really have the "writing mood". Of course, this mood don't come everyday. So, I decided to WRITE AS MUCH AS I CAN! That's why I named this blog "Mind-Basket". Because, my blog is full of my idea, thoughts, and story. Ah, you can read my mind for sure! Actually, I wanna write this blog on full english. But... errrr nevermind. I'll try to write this post in full english!

I feel pretty random right now. So, I think its gonna be great if I post something random too. Yeah, I wanna tell you about six cutest-hottest-coolest boys (in ma version) from all over the world! Start from number six! Here he is!


Maybe I should call him Uncle Usher-_- He's way older than me! He was born on October 14, 1978. But, I don't know why I think he's (too) hot and cool! Especially when he's dance and sing and.... OMG!!!!!!!!! Too hot.

OMG and DJ Got Us Falling In Love are totally my favorite songs from Usher. I sing it everyday! Yeah, um... actually I sing it on my bathroom (-_-) Usher is Justin Bieber "Daddy". Yeah, he found Justin Bieber hidden talent and make Justin Bieber a megastar. That's also why, I love him sooooooooooo much!


He is from German. He is Tokio Hotel vocalist. He is Tom Kaulitz twin brother. He is Bill Kaulitz! I adore his amazing voice and i fallin' love with his hair. Besides being a vocalist, he also being singer, songwriter, voice actor, designer and model.

Well, one thing I love the most from him, is his style. He has unique fashion style. Especially in stage! With amazing stage performance and great songs, he looks so amazing and cool! Two thumbs up for Mr.Kaulitz!


Who doesn't know this English actor? His acting definetly amazing and cool! First time I saw him, when he became Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Seriously, he looks sooooooo cute!

Then, I saw him about two years ago in Twilight movie. He looks so cute and sweet when he became Edward Cullen. But whoop! I love him better when he become himself. Robert Pattinson! The sweet guy on flannel shirt :)


Maybe some of you will think, "OMG, who the hell is he?" Nah, for your information people he is one of the SUPER JUNIOR PERSONEL! One of my favorite vocal group. They have amazing songs and cool dances. Because of Super Junior, now I'm craving for a boy that good at dance-_- lol.

Kyuhyun is really good when he's dancing. But, three years ago, he had a car accident. He broke his hip bone, his rib, and he had serious injury on his face! Awww poor him! But the good news, he still can show us his great move until now!


Same with Kyuhyun, Siwon is Super Junior personel too! One thing I love the most from him is his dimples. SUPER-UBER-CUTE. If I meet him, I wanna pinch his cheek! Okay, sounds scary......

He has amazing voice but I think he's not really good at dancing. Well, nobodys perfect right? But, in Bonamana music video, he looks really good at dancing. Still, No Other is my favorite music video because Siwon looks really cute :3

And, in number one is..............JUSTIN DREW BIEBER! YES, YES, YES, YES I LOVE HIM! AND YES, IMMA BELIEBERS! I love his songs, his dance moves, his hair, his face, his fashion style, and.... everything! FYI, my cellphone wallpaper is his picture :p Justin can play guitar, piano, and drum. Awww boys with their guitar or drum? Heaven yeah, it's cool!

If I meet you someday, can I touch your hair Justin? Seriously, your hair looks perfectly amazing and I wanna ruin it for once HIHI. No kidding, Im serious. I have nothing else to say Mr.Bieber. Seriously, ur amazing!

That's all! Well, that's my Boys Chart on my version. How about you? Uh-oh, maybe you're wondering, where is the Indonesian? Yeah, Indonesian are cute, sweet, and handsome too. (But not really hot-,-) Well, I can't decide who's the cutest-hotest-sweetest Indonesian male. Um... maybe you? :p


Hey all!!!!!!!! After long time no blogging, finally I came up with a new design and header. I made the header by myself (uh-oh, big thanks for PHOTOSCAPE ;p). As you can see, PINK is the main color! Well, I just love pink as much as i love ice cream and chocolate. Uh-oh speaking of which, it reminds me, IM HUNGRYYYYYYY. Okay, stop being so random, Dilly.

Enjoy my "new" blog guys! And, lemme know what do ya think with my new design. Just comment it or talk to me trough the chatbox. See you around fellas!

Some-kind of Stranger.