heyhey blogpals! beneran ya ini kayaknya, i've already losing my mind soalnya gue ngeblog jam segini uwowooo. But, who cares sih sebenernya? Kay, i do care because i have cambrigde progession test tommorow and im still blogging! GAH SOMEBODY PLEASE RESCUE ME! -_-
kaykay, today is 14th April, and you know what it means?
gak cuma itu aja, hari ini kayaknya gue bener bener lagi hyper. Soalnya dari tadi ga ngantuk ngantuk, gimana nih somebody help me!
Jadi, untuk menyalurkan bakat hyper gue, gue mendingan blogging aja deh. Sekalian nyelesain tugas english.
Oke, gue mau cerita tentang betapa anehnya dunia hari ini. So, just sit down and listen up! I will repeat three times, kay!? *oral test mode: on*
Tanggal 14 ini diawalin dengan kejadian yang sangat tidak terduga dan tragis yaitu....
kucingnya farrel kelindes mobil... pokoknya kucing yang baru dipungut 3 hari yang lalu dari jalanan itu kelindes mobil mami! entah siapa itu kucing namanya (pussy apa cookie ya?) semoga dia
Nah terusterus, pas gue dateng ke sekolah, gue hampir aja tuh telat fyuh fyuh. Dan sebelum mulai jam pertama seperti biasa gue disambut dengan suaranya satria:
tapi seperti biasa dari bulan bulan pertama, gue cuma meletin dia doang, kaya gini nih...
Terus di sekolah, berhubung gue bawa notebook *tjie ehem prikitiew* gue foto fotodeh sama teman teman saya sesama hyper! Pulangpulang gue fotofoto lagi. Emang ya gue hari ini lagi beneran hyper jadinya gini mulu.
Sebenernya bukan hyper sih.... tapi happy!
Yeah you know why kan? And today, i figured out lots of lesson.
You never know how much people love you unless you love him/her as much as you can <3
Second: Followers, haters, enemies, are around you. But just be your self and show em' you're MUCH MUCH better than them :3
Third: Sometimes its important to choose friends. Which one will be your angel, when another one could be your devil RAWR!
and the most important one.... NEVER KEEP CAT AS PET AGAIN!!!!! Yeah, end of this weird post. kaykay im stop, i know im bother you :3 HASTA LA VISTA!
PS: i.love.you!

aduh....dasar hyper
ReplyDeletei know im hyper! btw follow me, pls? I can't follow yours and idk why. thankyou
ReplyDeletehmm :')
ReplyDeleteWoot the? Who the hell is that anonymous?-_-