Tanggal 27 Maret 2010, as usual Lazuardi ngadain Science Fair. Tapi kali ini namanya Smart Day. Singkatan dari Science Market dan Art day. Nahnahnaaah, gue dan kawan kawan ikut di bagian Science sama Marketingnya.
Okay, di bagian science-nya gue sekelompok sama Mala, Ladia, dan Adey. Oops, almost forget! Kita barengan sama Dea juga. Di Smart Day kita buat percobaan, namanya Slime Attack! Harusnya sih jadinya slime yang kaya jelly, tapi yang kita bikin malah mirip pasta gigi --"

Weird huh? Dengan kata lain, Slime buatan kita gagal total. Well, who cares about it anyway? Because slime is kinda useless you know -_-
Nahnah abis presentasi ten
tang slime, kita jualan cookie! Cookienya enak loh, dan buatan kita sendiri!
Jadi, hari Jumatnya gue, Mala, Adey, Ladia, Mela (extra member Zahra --") bikin cookie di Rumah Mela, cuma garagara ovennya Mela rusak, kita nerusin buat cookie di Rumah Neneknya Adey! Big thanks grannie!
Yup, thats all from the smart day. We are the "smart" students in many ways. We have tons of brilliant and insane idea. We can make it happen in our on way. And, we don't really need chemistry formula to make it happen, we just need insane brain with brave soul.
Nahnah abis presentasi ten

Jadi, hari Jumatnya gue, Mala, Adey, Ladia, Mela (extra member Zahra --") bikin cookie di Rumah Mela, cuma garagara ovennya Mela rusak, kita nerusin buat cookie di Rumah Neneknya Adey! Big thanks grannie!
Yup, thats all from the smart day. We are the "smart" students in many ways. We have tons of brilliant and insane idea. We can make it happen in our on way. And, we don't really need chemistry formula to make it happen, we just need insane brain with brave soul.
I believe we can make ANY kind of our crazy idea become a reality!
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